Bomb Threat


The most common threats are made by direct telephone calls to the Police Department. However, some threatening calls are made to third parties such as television studios and newspaper offices.

There are two reasons for a caller to report that a bomb is to go off at a particular location:

  1. The caller knows that an explosive or incendiary device has been or will be placed in the building and wants to minimize personal injury. The caller may be the person who planted the device, or just someone who is aware of such information.
  2. The caller wants to create an atmosphere that spreads panic and disrupts normal business activity. This could be the ultimate goal of the caller.


  1. Letters that are unusually bulky or weighty.
  2. Parcels or envelopes with chemical or oily stains.
  3. Parcels or envelopes without a return address.
  4. Parcels or envelopes with foreign postmarks.
  5. Parcels or envelopes that simply do not look or feel ordinary.


  1. DO NOT handle the item.
  2. DO NOT attempt to open the parcel.
  3. DO NOT place parcel in water.
  4. DO NOT remove any binding material.
  5. DO NOT pull or cut any material that protrudes.


Should an Occupant receive a bomb threat, the following guidelines should be used:

  1. Refer to the call record. Try to obtain as much information as possible. Be prepared to relate this information to the police when they arrive.
  2. Immediately call the Management Office at 703-226-2750. The Management Office will call the police. If possible, have a second employee call the Management Office while the bomb threat caller is on the phone.
  3. The Management Office will give a recommendation to evacuate if necessary. Again, the actual order to evacuate must be given by the Fire Warden.
  4. Be alert for any unfamiliar people and/or objects to point out to the police or Building staff upon their arrival. DO NOT touch or handle any suspected object.

The Fire Wardens and Building staff will make a complete search of the suspected areas. It will be the responsibility of the Fire Wardens to identify any suspicious items or packages, which do not belong in the space. If a suspicious item is identified, the police will then investigate the object.


In the event that the Management Office receives a bomb threat, the following guidelines will be observed:

  1. The Police Department will be notified immediately.
  2. The Fire Warden in the affected area will be informed of the situation. The Fire Warden will give the order to evacuate if necessary.
  3. Occupants should be alert for any unfamiliar people or objects to point out to the police or building staff upon their arrival. DO NOT touch or handle any suspected objects.
  4. The Fire Warden, accompanied by the police and Building staff, will make a complete search of the suspected areas. It will be the responsibility of the Fire Warden to identify any suspicious items or packages, which do not belong in the space.
  5. If the bomb threat is received against the Building, and not a specific floor, all public areas will be searched beginning with the most accessible floor.


The Management Office will make a recommendation whether an Occupant space should be evacuated. If your Fire Warden gives the order to evacuate, all of the following steps should be followed:

  1. The Fire Warden will make sure all employees are notified.
  2. Everyone should proceed quickly, but calmly, to the nearest stairway exit. DO NOT RUN!
  3. The Fire Warden or Alternate should walk the suite as a double check to assist employees and make sure everyone is aware of the evacuation order.
  4. Evacuation, depending upon the size and type of explosive device, is normally one floor below and two floors above the bomb. Once the evacuation has begun, no one should attempt to re-enter the evacuated area until it has been declared safe by the Management Office or the Police Department.
  5. Upon arrival at the lobby, everyone should remain in the area. No one should wander about or leave unless directed to do so by the Police or Management Office.
  6. The Searcher or Alternate should proceed to take a head count to determine if anyone is missing from their office. If someone is missing, this information should be relayed to the Management Office personnel.

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